Know Thyself

Discover African Spirituality and Healing

Reconnect with your true self through this ancient tradition of Central Africa

“What Tibet is to Asia, Gabon is to Africa, which is to say that it is the Spiritual Centre of spiritual and mystical initiation. In the secret places inaccessible to laymen, the African Masters, heirs of Balthazar, teach there the mysteries of existence and non-existence”.
— Prince Birinda, ‘The Secret Bible of Africa according to Bwiti

Some of the Earth's greatest secrets have been hidden for millennia in the heart of the African continent. Now, the Bwiti Tradition of Gabon has opened to the world.

If you’re seeking healing and spiritual growth, we offer a bridge to these true masters and healers.

What is the Bwiti Tradition?

Find out more about the ancient spirituality that been passed orally from generation to generation.

Upcoming initiations

We have retreats in Gabon, Central Africa, and internationally.

"The initiation helped me find more personal sovereignty. Rather than fading with time, the process keeps unfolding. I’m shedding programs and am more positive and clear in my mind. I feel more rooted in my heart and body."

— Alma, Permaculture Designer

Get personalised integration support after your initiation

As trained somatic and spiritual healing practitioners, we can support you in 1:1 sessions to get the most out of your initiation.

Come back to your own true nature. Find your authentic rhythm.

Recommended resources

See documentaries, podcasts, and interviews to find out more about the Bwiti tradition.

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